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Wednesday, June 13, 2012



You guys are pretty brave for going out in the heat.

Also, Ann...know you were busy with the trip, but any other time you're up in DC, give us a yell...we're 30 minutes closer now. :)


Armin - this trip was sheer chaos non-stop, but we'll definitely hook up with you guys next time we're in town!

Tonya Oh

Forget HOUSE of Estrogen..sounds like an entire CITY of Estrogen! lol looks like a blast :)

Cindy H.

That first picture cracked me up. I love it and glad you posted it. Those are the ones that you want to remember because that's usually how it is! At least in my family. And Nina getting lost in that crowd...YIKES! I don't know how you managed to find her, or how she found you. I'd be crying to. AMAZING. I was a girl scout too. I loved every minute of it. Sounds like a blast.


What a cool trip! Wow, that is SO MANY girl scouts.

I agree with Cindy, that first picture is a cracker-upper.

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