« Simple Woman's Daybook, 4th of July, 2011 | Main | A Break »

Monday, July 04, 2011



Those treats look yummy!!! And I thought my red jello, cool whip, and blueberry parfaits were fancy. Ha!


You have GOT to take those children to see fireworks. I want you to put it on your must do list for 2012. You could even do it tonight since they got rained out last night. You can make them take a nap before going and get in bed early the next night. You don't want that therapy bill. Children should not be 7 & 9 years old and never have seen fireworks!

Melissa - bargainshoppermom

Love those strawberries!! I wnat to come to your next party.


I love that your kids haven't seen fireworks. I finally let me 8 yo go this year. It was painful for me. lol

Also - you are the queen of holiday deserts.

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