Timing is everything, and I have none, apparently. I walked into daycare today to pick up Addison, and as I walked in the door, the teacher said, "She just fell asleep... as in... I put her in the bed, turned around, and saw you walking up the sidewalk." Once you wake up Addie from a nap to put her in the car, she is awake for good, so that nap was lost forever. Next, we drove over to Nina's daycare to pick her up. I walked in, Nina took one look at me, and threw herself down on the floor sobbing. When I finally pried her out of the fetal position and calmed her down long enough to talk to me, I learned that she had just gotten a turn in the dramatic play center and because I was there, she would not get to wear the pink princess dress. Oh the humanity! I'm not sure what makes that pink princess dress more special than any of the countless pink princess dresses that she wears daily at home, but I clearly put a kink in the plans by showing up to take her home. Long gone are the days when she is actually happy to see me at the end of the day. Lately, I'm just a big kill-joy.
Next time, maybe I'll just stay at work an extra half hour.