Elise's last day of first grade is tomorrow. How on earth did that happen so fast? It seems like just yesterday she was climbing on the bus for her first day of kindergarten without so much as a wave goodbye to us. She was so confident and ready to tackle the world. She has really enjoyed first grade and is sad for the year to end. Frankly, I'm a little sad to see it come to an end too. She has had a great teacher this year, and it has been a really good year for Elise. Also, second grade just sounds so old to me. You're a real veteran of elementary school once you get to second grade... no longer with the babies of the school. How is it possible that I'm nearly the mom of a second grader? That makes me feel old!
Anyway, Elise's class had a picnic on Tuesday and put on a play, Little Red Riding Hood. Elise played the part of a flower.
Here she is with her teacher:
With friends:
In her costume:
And performing: